Site and Lead Funding Secured, Plant "Makeover" Begins
Project Construction Phase Attracts Increased Funding
September 10, 2010, construction officially begins on an "extreme makeover" of the tire plant to provide a stylish, creativity-inspiring home for the Central Texas Technology and Research Park (CTTRP), and Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative (BRIC). The BRIC, with its 330,000 square feet of industry-grade research and business space and state-of-the-art equipment for research and industry service and R&D lies within the larger CTTRP.
In April 2011, the Department of Commerce's Economic Development Agency awards Baylor $1.2M for optic fiber broadband infrastructure and to upgrade Internet 2 junctions. The following November, Baylor regents provide additional funding for the interior finishing of office, public symposium, and laboratory space.
In December, Baylor takes delivery from NASA of the Tethered Satellite System (TSS), a major Space Shuttle artifact. The TSS will be displayed alongside other museum-quality exhibits designed to inspire visitors of all ages with examples of research being carried out in the BRIC.